Watch again the REPLACE webinar on decarbonisation of residential H&C in Europe! |
 WIP’s offer for trainings on EU-funded projectsNot
only WIP is a reliable project partner with a track record of more than
100 projects on renewable energy in our portfolio, but you can also
benefit from our >25 years of experience in coordinating and
evaluating EU projects by joining one of our Horizon trainings! We offer
upon request tailored courses and practical
workshops on project management & coordination, proposal writing,
budget & financial issues, and EU funding landscapes.
Our last successful training concluded in June and consisted of a 2-day
theoretical and practical course to the staff of the Czech University of
Life Sciences Prague (CZU) on how to write a successful proposal under
Horizon Europe.
Get in touch with us to book your personalised training!
 EUREC – College of MemberOn
7, 8 and 9 June the first College of Members physical meeting in
two-and-a-half years took place in Ireland at the Limerick campus of the
Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS). EUREC
and Rainer Janssen, WIP Managing Director Projects and EUREC president,
were pleased to welcome 17 member organisations and 27 representatives
for a 2.5-day programme. Access the EUREC website Members Area here to see the presentations, video records and photos.
 TRACER Final Conference and Investors WorkshopThe TRACER Project is coming to an end with its final two event coming up in September. On 20 September 2022, the Investors Workshop will take place in Brussels, followed by the Final Conference on 21 September 2022.
The Investors Workshop will introduce identified R&I project ideas in nine coal regions
in transition. Investment opportunities will be discussed with invited
investors, representatives of EU institutions responsible for EU funds
and programmes and stakeholders from the nine TRACER coal regions.
The Final Conference will introduce the main results of the TRACER project in coal regions and will open the discussion with policy makers on the barriers, challenges and opportunities.
Target groups:
- Investors
- RES industry
- Policy makers
- Stakeholders in coal regions
Take a look at the agenda and register here! |
 RE4Industry expert groups discuss opportunities to decarbonize Energy Intensive Industries (EII) in EuropeRE4Industry
collaborative network is growing day by day, with new members
populating the Expert, Cluster, and Committee groups. The project
results were presented through a successful online joint webinar that
took place on the 29th of April with the participation of the German
Committee and Cluster members. The latest RE4Industry report on Energy
Intensive Industries in Germany will be presented to the German Cluster
and Committee in the following online joint webinar that will take place
on the 21st of July.
Check out our recently published RE4Industry newsletter and project website to be updated about the project.
Upcoming event:
RE4Industry Knowledge Transfer Seminar Austria
Fri, 21 October 2022 08:00 - 16:30 CEST
RE4Industry´s direct transfer activities are accelerating. The first knowledge transfer seminar will take place on the 21st of October 2022 in Graz, Austria,
organized by RE4Industry partner ESEIA. Besides the two solution
packages on Circular Bioeconomy and Green Hydrogen, the RE4Industry
project aim, and results will be presented to the estimated 100
representatives from industry, science, research, politics, and civil
society. Click here to learn more about the seminar and contribute to the debate on how to decarbonize EIIs.
 EnergyMatching final conferenceThe EnergyMatching project
reaches its final phase at the end of July 2022. But the project still
has a lot to offer. Visit two demo sites in a virtual 360° tour to
explore the implemented EM solutions
In the Product Catalogue you will find in detail the seven products and solutions from the EnergyMatching Project, including the contributing partners.
There is also an updated version of Tulipps BIPV.world Revit plug-in available on the BIPV.world platform. Get the update now and check out https://bipv.world/ for more interesting content.
 HYPOSO activities in Latin AmericaThe
hydro experts from the HYPOSO consortium are currently on their Latin
American mission. Three different work package (WP) activities are
carried out there in the European summer months. The activities started
with the first of two weeks of a capacity building course in Cochabamba,
Bolivia (WP4) from 4 to 10 July 2022. After the days of intensive
training, the course participants visited together the cascade
hydropower system Corani. The second part of the course will be held
from 8 to 14 August 2022 in Quito, Ecuador. In July, also the experts
from WP5 are underway in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia, assessing there
altogether 9 different potential hydropower sites. WP6 is then active
in Bolivia and Ecuador, organizing there framework condition workshops
together with local stakeholders and political deciders to look together
for the best solutions to foster small hydropower in the countries. The
workshops take place on 22 July in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and on 26 July
2022 in Quito, Ecuador. Find more information on www.hyposo.eu .
 WCPEC-8 online platform As organiser of the EU PVSEC, and this year’s 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WIP aims to highlight the importance of knowledge transfer and international cooperation.
On the occasion of the WCPEC-8, participants from all around the globe
travel to Milan to participate in the biggest scientific PV event of
2022 and to meet fellow PV researchers and experts. We are aware that
for some participants, travelling is still a challenge. That is why we
have further developed the opportunity to take part in the event and
offer an interactive online platform that allows participants to connect
with others, network online and stream all presentations shortly after
the live session.
Access all presentations and sessions whenever and wherever you want
What to expect from the Online Platform:
- Access all plenary, oral and visual presentations, panel discussions, parallel events, industry sessions for streaming on demand
- Comment on every presentation, discussion or poster in the Online Platform
- Get in contact with speakers via the one-on-one chat
- Access the entire content for 3 months after the event
online features intend to facilitate the participation of PV
enthusiasts who are unable to travel due to ongoing restrictions.
However, WCPEC-8 is looking forward to finally welcoming the PV
community in Milan in person, to exchange, discuss and network.
 WIP – your reliable project partnerWIP
is a renewable energy consultancy with a long history of managing
research and innovation projects and organising leading conferences and
events in the sector.
Do you have a project or event that could use the expertise of a young dynamic team?
Let us help you succeed and talk to us!
Together, we move one step closer to a green and clean energy future.
Do you want to be part of the energy transition yourself?
We have interesting job opportunities in the field of renewable energy available.
Join our team and find all Information at www.wip-munich.de
EU Disclaimer | This
Newsletter includes short reports on projects that have received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under Grant Agreements No 847087 (Project: Replace), No
792245 (Project: Tracer), No 952936 (Project: Re4Industry), No
768766 (Project: EnergyMatching), No 857851 (Project: Hyposo). The sole
responsibility for the content of contributions related to these
projects in this Newsletter lies with the authors. It does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the
EASME/INEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that
may be made of the information contained therein.