Duration: 2024 - 2028 ● Client: European Commission (LIFE - CET) ● WIP Role: Coordination and Dissemination & Communication
The GENDER4POWER project is a LIFE Programme co-funded initiative that started in November 2024 and will continue its efforts to alleviate energy poverty in targeted EU countries and beyond for the next four years.
The GENDER4POWER project aims to enhance living conditions and energy efficiency in buildings (and households) affected by energy poverty. It emphasizes a holistic gender-responsive, multi-stakeholder, and people-centred approach to renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions, aligning with EU strategies such as the Gender Equality Strategy and the Energy Efficiency Directive. GENDER4POWER aspires to demonstrate the potential of gender-responsive projects in meeting EU strategies. By incorporating gender mainstreaming and intersectionality and by involving citizens, the project aims to enhance public acceptance and community trust, bridge social networks, and ensure active participation of marginalized groups in decision-making processes.
GENDER4POWER project brings together nine EU organisations from six countries with the common aim of alleviating energy poverty in Europe. Additionally, GENDER4POWER project will directly work with the people experiencing energy poverty through engaging with citizens or municipality led initiatives in six demonstrators (pilot locations) in these 6 countries across Europe.
Through the GENDER4POWER project, the consortium partners are combining their expertise in energy, social sciences, citizen engagement, energy communities, gender equality, productive use of renewable energy, small and deep renovations, and policy advocacy to implement a multidimensional and cross-cutting gender approach to selected energy poverty solutions.
AEA Amiestas B-NK CELB ELECTRA Energy Cooperative
ESF FOCUS WECF WIP Renewable Energies
The GENDER4POWER project will work directly with people experiencing energy poverty through engaging with citizen or municipality-led initiatives in six 6 pilot locations (demonstrators) across Europe. This approach allows for the identification of community-specific energy needs and the development of tailored solutions that are more likely to be effective. It also allows citizens to empower their communities, create a sense of mutual understanding in tackling their own energy poverty, and learn from each other.
Demonstrators overview Consortium & Demonstrators map (Google maps)
Detailed information on the GENDER4POWER Project (PDF)
News Press Release, 19.02.2025
Events 28.01.2025 Consortium-Internal Gender Training in the GENDER4POWER Project
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WIP Renewable Energies, Rita Mergner: rita.mergner@wip-munich.de
Dissemination & Communication Lead
WIP Renewable Energies, Olgu Birgi: olgu.birgi@wip-munich.de
This LIFE project GENDER4POWER is co-funded by the European Union under contract no 101167565
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WIP Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG · WIP Renewable Energies
Sylvensteinstr. 2, 81369 München, Deutschland · Registergericht München HRA 46696
Haftende Gesellschaft Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH · Registergericht München HRB 7828
Geschäftsführer Veranstaltungen & Wissenstransfer: Jonas Bergmiller, Geschäftsführer Geschäftsentwicklung & Strategie: Jannis Haack
Geschäftsführer Projekte & Consulting: Dr. Rainer Janssen, Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing., MBA INSEAD Hans Hammer